YESS Membership is open to diverse stakeholders including CSOs, academics, industry associations, service providers, spinning and fabric mills, and a variety of companies of all shapes and sizes. Please check out our YESS Membership Brochure to learn more about membership for all stakeholders as we build an international due diligence community!
Brand+ Membership
All other stakeholders
Mill Membership
Fabric and Spinning Mills
Current Mill Members
CURRENT Other Stakeholder MEMBERS
Artistic Milliners
Daenong Textile
Hyopshin Co., Ltd.
Il Kwang Vina Co., Ltd.
J&B International Ltd. Taiwan Branch
M.N. Dyeing, Printing and Washing Mills LTD.
Maral Overseas Limited
Masood Spinning Mills
Nishat Mills Ltd.
One Composite Mills Ltd.
Raymond Denim Ltd.
Shahi Exports
Sree Santhosh Garments
Supreme Stitch Lt.d
Fanatics Apparel, LLC
New Balance
U.S. Fashion Industry Association (USFIA)
The Walt Disney Company