Investors Recommend Strong SEC Rules on Conflict Minerals

Investors have been paying close attention to the rules the SEC is proposing to implement Provision 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Finance Reform Act.

Signed by 49 investors each letter in November 2010 and March 2011, shareholders made detailed recommendations to the SEC on which companies should file and how companies should file their Conflict Mineral Reports to the SEC.

Although aligned with the multi-stakeholder comments, investors went a step farther and commented on issues where the multi-stakeholders could not reach consensus.

Investor submissions to the SEC can be found here:

RSN would like to recognize three key investors who greatly contributed to these efforts:

In addition, many members supported these comments from the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) and Social Investment Forum (SIF). A special thanks goes out to Peter De Simone, who also contributed to our investor comments. 

We are looking forward to strong final rules from the SEC, which will provide more disclosure for investors and help ensure shareholders’ investments are not inadvertently supporting rape and violence in the Congo.

RSN Staff