RSN’s Holiday Newsletter & Celebrating International Human Rights Day

On this International Human Rights Day, we want to celebrate the leap forward to protect human rights with the passing of the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). Having mandatory human rights due diligence required of companies and throughout their value chains is a huge accomplishment, and we look forward to seeing the positive impact in sourcing countries.    

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Patricia Jurewicz
How YESS Helps Brands Meet Evolving Regulatory Requirements to Implement Due Diligence in Their Cotton Value Chains

The CSDDD sets rigorous criteria for companies to conduct due diligence across their entire value chains. Businesses must actively manage human rights and environmental risks, including forced labor. The following key requirements under the CSDDD are directly addressed by YESS, ensuring due diligence conformance and responsible sourcing in the middle tiers of the value chain.

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